
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Come Combodia:

So I arrive at Suvarna-bhumi airport. It is warm feeling when we dont know the language but know the vocab, branding and meanings. They say Siam - derived from sanskrit word Shyam or Syam. For its slightly darker coloured tribes! I found thai people quite fairer. Shall we say thats why they changed the name to thailand not because of foreign invasions!?

Back to Suvarna -bhumi (golden land or land of gold). Such a beautiful name! India is was known as golden bird but it does not feature anywhere. Why all our airports are named after individual names of recent politicians rather than poetic names from ancient Bharat Varsh  that uplift psyche?

Anyhow, I continue my flight to Siem Reap to feel all the temple ruins of ancient India. People are gentler for sure. They end the sentence as if singing lullaby! We Indians are little too competitive and loud at times i feel. The King Jayavarman is everywhere revered and found only in meditative pose - so calm. Reminds me of Raj Rishi Janak. The entire population devoted their entire resources for temple building. And large proportion of tourist visiting are non hindus. And here we are intellectual Indians evaluating whether we deserve one and only Rama temple in his birth place Ayodhya!. Well, thailand has its own Ayuthya and they have gilded Rama and Ramayana with gold on walls everywhere. They have roads and building in name of Rama. Why do Indians need to justify their authentic heritage, I wonder!

Mother India can be custodian of Indic people. Buddhist removed shiva and vaishnavite symbolism from temples to only some extent. It is impossible to erase stories of epics mahabharat engraved i  stones. Linage of same dynasty try to revive shiva temples but only in patchwork. communist Pot pol wanted communism and killed lakhs of its own people.   (who backed him china or Russia? If yes then why cambodia has chinese chamber of commerce and stores promorting chinese products and sign posts in chinese? How would I understand complexity of world politics I am only stay at home mum?! ) Civil war as a result of brutal communist regime made cambodians to steal their own art and destroy exquisite artworks but lot still stands and is mesmerising. The buddhist young monks are respected and offered bhiksha by everyone they visit with proper naman silently. Some amazing monestries to be felt. As compare to bhikshuk saints in modern India where they are shooed away most of the times. When my PM says its Buddhism to play role in world peace I understand.

In cambodia, the convenient currency is US dollar due to their economy going down counting and currency exchange is difficult. I have nothing against USA but would it not be easier for entire Asia to have single currency like euro dollar? If we consider individuals hands doing financial transactions and trade must be way higher in Asia than in Europe and America combined. Asian dollar will rule the waves!

Unite enire Indian subcontinent, lets prosper together and take pride in commonality. Let the lion of Durga roar to drangons.

Aum Shivay Namah 🙏
Aum Namo Bhagavate Vasudevay🙏
Aum Mani padmey Namah 🙏

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