
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Am I qualified to say about work culture?

Every time I called helpline services in UK, I spoke to Indian sitting in one of the call centres here. I found their diction clear, voice crisp, very polite, patient and above all endlessly helpful. Made me feel very proud. Thats end of all the praises. Listen to public opinion here, I just did training to be financial advisor for a company. First thing they highlight in how many ways work I would do as pestering insurance agent is so dignified as compare to call centre staff. Most centres are in south and newspapers clearly says ‘bride wanted, but call centre girls need not apply’. Lot of evidence to suggest socially unapproved activities in centres and locals blame call centres for spoiling social fabric.

Do I feel reassuringly happy about being agent/advisor, then? Wait till you hear this. My classmate a bihari girl Engineer and fresh MBA. To be able to appear for MBA final exam took five days leave and in this economic slowdown, job she was doing in software firm in marketing with good incentive shook hands for last time. Disappointed girl joined the training I was doing and was so embarrassed to inform father that she is trying to be agent/advisor. Father would be disgusted’ ‘all these education I gave you to do this type of sales job.’ The girl, cant be honest and inform father to avoid hurting him, cant say she lost job for exams, cant say she is already working on other honourable work as he would not like that either. Father wants nothing less than ‘proper dream job’. She has interview to suit her MBA in one of the hospital, good luck lukshmi, Hats off to you for being so sensitive to your fathers dreams for you!! And you have not done anything to feel bad about! You will find job sooner or later in the meantime be as loving as thoughtful to your father!’ There is no job more enriching than that feeling of...

We are not politically correct here. Equal opportunity? Whats that? Life is race, no body waits to prove anything on paper. I went to a technical job opportunity and I was told sorry mudum, we don’t need women. (all for good intention, he did not want me to get tanned doing field work on hot sunny day, not suitable for ladies).

I called call centres, and they point blank asked

‘how old, mudum?’

‘umm oh i think 40 something’

‘sorry, mudum nobody over 25 we are interested in.’
Food Talk? Here we get the best Italian Gelatos including indian Alphonso Gelato, watermelon gelato. Fruit basket has no fruits other than saffron succulant Mangos.

It rains now here. Rain in Banglur is very pleasant. That pre rain sweet smell of soil!

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