
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Class Act

Pyara Sakhi- vrund,

Remember, attending those parents evening? You sit in front of teacher while she spreads A4 record book and cleverly conceals everything below the name of your child and show record of your childs performance? She tells your child has scored (say) 93 marks. Being typical Indian helicopter parent with your hungry eyes try to peek on the records to make sure no higher number shows in front of any other name! That remained my regret that inspite of plenty of opportunity to receive roaring round of applauds for her performance she never came home chuffing for getting highest marks. It is socially incorrect to announce marks as it is damaging to self esteem of under achievers. So give them sanctuary to remain under cover.

To give me cringe, I had to live through quite opposite! In my course they did objective tests for practice. After the test teachers collects papers and distributes to other students randomly in a way you don’t get your own paper to correct. OMG! Disaster! My paper was given to 20 year old girl with un inhibited voice that springs out like a dancing fountain. My every incorrect answer she loudly announced, ‘sir, she has put ? instead of tick mark, sir’ (shhhhh means she is confused and has no clue what to tick, will u shut up?!). How many got questions 5 wrong? and everyone holding wrong answer proudly raises hand (meri ijjat thodi na jayegi?!). Sir gets the name of the default student and best part, clears the concept in front of 35 students, would you ever forget and make same mistake twice in real exam? Just for the record I did this Exam by IRDA board and passed with distinction.

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