
Monday, April 25, 2011

Get high on Consciousness

Receiving times:

Sometimes we go through phase when we are on 'giving' spree. We give gifts, give good time in parties, contribute skills, give affection, inspiration and all that is good and glorious. And sometimes you are down, out and hurt and you are only receiving and receiving from everyone you come across. People who are not used to receiving get too uptight as if someone is approaching with massive injection of morphine and how soon they can get it out of their system by reciprocal gift! That is also denial that you too can be helpless, needy, vulnerable and spread pallu to higher sources to look at you.

As my reiki master told me, see others as just another wave in the ocean carrying the same energy you have in you only different shape and size and that too constantly changing. Just receive with an open heart and mind accepting that others, just like you, are also channels of universal life source energy and are able to transfer some to you.

In the recent years, I have been on the receiving side of others goodwill, guidance, selfless care, gifts and grace when I felt helpless and clueless. I have been blessed to have found people from all walks of life, lawyer, educationalist, yoga masters, companion on journey of spiritual experiments, teachers, neighbors, family, friends, doctor colleagues, random aquintences, encounters with mobile beauticians and many more such generous souls who had no interest other than helping us to become centered within us.

The priceless gift of my Indian adventure is to have found a Holistic Healing Temple.

We all have five bodies, and there are impressions upon impressions in our minds based on past experiences and future anticipations. To add to these, there are layers upon layers of emotions stored for as long as our memory stretches and beyond. Also we are made of five elements just like any other living being and our five elements need to be in sync with outer elements of nature. Going even further, like summer brings monsoon followed by winter, our bodies have seasonal re-programming or tuning need to suit outside climate, mental and physical.

When the physical body is not in good shape, medicine isn't the answer. Infact, there are so many other things we can do before even considering external resources.

Taking the example of a simple headache, without addressing the root cause of the problem, taking paracetamol will only mask the problem. So how do we get rid of the tendency to get headaches altogether? The main thing is to deal with all those built up emotions. It could be due to imbalance in the cocktail of your moisture, ether, fire element in your body. It can be countered by balancing out the energy flow in your body.

There is a need to declutter the heart and mind, bringing the elements in the body in harmony and freeing the blocks of energy.

A soothing and comforting touch can heal the tired and overworked body. A hunger for social recognition, drive for achievements, greed for money and much more takes up a lot of energy. Take a break, do some soulful activity, pamper your body in a fulfilling simple way at home instead of running to spa!

Removing layers:

So how does this temple help me get rid of my accumulated layers?!

The first layers come off when I am sitting in the open air waiting area, I don't feel like I am in a queue. Breath in openness!! In fact for some this is mini retreat from busy schedule that they want to sit a bit more in gueue and let others go before them! Some toddlers come for a walk and chat every evening and get little bit of touch therapy show their coloring books and go. The few plants that are used for treatment are visually comforting and makes you feel closer to nature.

Awaiting people are from all walks of life, educated, high flying CEO, to conservative middle aged people to young IT professionals, everyone communicates in different language and instantly they find interpreter if need be. So second layer comes off when CEO starts sharing his back troubles with burkha clad lady!! You learn to come out of your comfort zone and mingle with people you would never look at if bumped in the market.

Third layer comes off when you put your religious identity on one side and become one struggling body just like another visitor! I see other practitioner come and give quick demo of how to breath with rhythmic AUM without inhibition to non-hindus. Everyone knows, its a hub where one and all are comforted and cured.

Yet another layer comes off when you sit on that stool. Wonder how we feel sitting in revolving office chair? would it affect your attitude? when you drop your baggages out and sit empty handed on seat without back and foot rest face to face with healer, the focus shifts to your communication and eyes and ill part.

And this is followed by consultation that is in presence of few other strange human beings!! It is the first step in healing when actually you drop your guard to cover your vulnerability and be honest about what you are struggling with. The healer offers only minimum words to reassure worrying and winging mind. Magic touch (sparsh chikitasa) to pull out impurity, clutter from your body in form of unhealthy or abnormal energy or electro-magnetic field and having few pressure points to carry the treatment home in various forms. Consultation will last no more than 10 minutes. sometimes I am more fortunate when I hear in his serene and affectionate voice stories from scriptures that is indirect answers to my puzzling mind even without asking. Sometimes the consultation turns into forum when other visitors who are taking all words delivered for you in their system and starts to share their views, experiences and thoughts that would be relevant to you. Highlight of consultation is reassurance, hope, positivity with simplified explanation of infirmness rather than investigation.


I saw so many things that people can do to improve their health by minor changes in lifestyle, house hold suppliments, correcting your energy fields in blink of an eye getting better or cured completely.

Most common ones I observed were back problems amongst many bike riders and IT/Outsourcing service sector. Many had their 'Naabhi' (belly button) misplaced. Apparantly its garvity point for many energy fields and for various reasons it gets displaced from its physical umbilical point. Some trapped nerves can be restored effectively.

Some complicated and failed allopathic cases I saw where person has lost an eye sight after an eye surgery or laser treatment and their cornia came back to life after regular treatments. In fact one eye surgeon regulaly sends some failed or complicated cases where allopathy has its limits to him. One lady nearly amputed a foot and slowly but surely retained her healthy foot!

Many cases of muscular disorder.

Many cases of skin disorders.

Severe cases of depression made better by simple re-programming the mind and person comes off sleeping pills and anti depressants!! Talking about sleeping pills, he can program the mindset so person with insomnia fall asleep at certain time and gets up at certain time!!

Girls, get them all... bullying bosses, discriminating institutes, angry neighbors and get their brain re-wired, or may be just you go and get immunity from everything that you find unpleasant!!

How does it work?

Like skies when go through movements in active monsoon time, shows lightening before we hear the rumbling sound, all happenings show their signs to people who have been able to reach their higher consciousness.

He possesses tremendous power and connection to higher consciousness. He can see person's aura and impure elements around and can nullify them. He can enter in subconscious mind and re-wire tangled or ruffled circuits! Once again this special person is also just like us. One does not have to have beard, saffron cloths to"feel spiritual and direct people in their confusing times. He could be 'guy next door' in jeans and T.

I now understand what 'Guru' means. What awesome feeling it is to have 'Guru Bhaav'. He enlightens your mind, blossoms your heart and shows you path in detached manner. He showers you with affection and cares for you in holistic manner. He wont just say eat well, he serves food lovingly and sees that you cultivate good routine to beat the blue. He makes most monstrous problem seem tiny and insignificant. He does not teach or preach but generates curiosity and quenches thirst for knowledge and understanding. Guru is someone who makes beauty and bounty come looking for you.

OK. Now I need a hat fitted with a fan so that my Aura keeps on getting disturbed and he does not figure out I have ego, jealousy radiating out of my system!! I am scared how to hide my real emotions from him!! Its only after more than a year I found through others, he can levitate, like a true 'Sidhha-Purush'. May be I could ask him only to design this 'aura-hiding' gadget as he is former engineer from Indian air force and left all that ( post kargil ), to follow his passion and public demand.

Even after six months of observation day after day and roughly 2 years of personal experience I feel totally baffled to witness the reactions of people who get better at this centre!

wow, amazing land of Bharat! Amazing revered science from Rishis.

My own Lineage!!

Its only now I recollect my own great-great Grand mother (nanima's nanima), known as Maaji-ba lived in Bhuj and has shrine to mark respect to her sidhhis. She could levitate, foresee and heal. I dedicate my this passage to her. I will have to start Indiana jones odysssey to find if I inherited any of her gene?!! But that has to wait, let me travel through more of Bharat before I start long journey to find for similar gene in me and settle down to awaken my third eye!

Strange coming this from doctor's wife, huh? Its only after observing the ways of Intellectually sharp, verbally smart, political aware and vaastav-vaadi people surrounding me that there is something beyond the scope of science, logic. Super souls are ones who are connected with their own true Self, and rare and supreme ones with ability to make difference in other's life for better.


Every 'body' knows exactly how to heal itself.
The body is not a part of problem, its part of solution.
There is no disease that has no potential to be cured.
Illness is mere message from universe that redirect, restore and recollect your life.
First and most powerful medicine is your own mind and thought. Believe with overflowing faith that you can help yourself.
There is no other cure like nature.

------------------Sir Ki Jai Ho---------------------------------

and healing continues....................

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I wish I was busy domestic Goddess like my sisters (cousins included), and can hold luxurious fabric to embroidery the most precisely geometrical 'Bavalia stich', or slow moving satin and chain stitch on sarees to give away as gift, or knitting or sewing. While they are busy working , they are sharing gems of life science and everything under the sun in enriching Gujarati, not stepping out for months without purpose. I am betraying my sister (my staunch supporter yet ruthless critic) who just instructed me to stay in quiet corner for some time from my relentless journey in to unknown, inner and outer world.

Sorry, Sis, My chakra's have gone haywire and creative spirit has been pushed out to make way for wonderlust. While I am working on bringing them back to its original state, I decide to take de-tour and visit corners that are not explored in me or stayed dormant!! Let me tune it to different frequency that brings abundance!

My generous friend called me to invite me for a workshop called 'Money Mantra'. Curious by the label I am drawn to it not knowing whether I am getting investment tips or ancient methods of invoking wealth in your life. It was delivered by a National and International Life-coach from Calcutta. She travels places with her workshop on many aspect of life amongst them one is also 1 day workshop on 'art of dying'. Unless you understand what you want to feel in your last moments, you will never buckle up to master the 'art of living'. Other one is SufI Dance therapy, Angel therapy. OMG, So many things to experience and so little time but I am glad I have coach to help me die completing all I need to do before my departure!!

I am lost in observing other participants: one gentleman provides aura photography, other counsillors, affluant entrpreneur wives, airline staff who practices tarrot card reading (good time pass on long haul flight, dont you think?). My maze and gaze is disturbed by my friend 'come, let me introduce you, go for hug with this course leader, her hug is very special'. (I walk toward her confused... wait a second, I am aspiring healer myself and i am suppose to be giving hug and not receiving one, I dont know how to hug her, I hope there is no power struggle between my and her energies to give more)

.... For now I have to live, travel, wear luxurious fabrics, spend on ingredients from timbaktu for exotic reciepe, give gifts, letting go of change back from rickshawala and fruitwala, give bakshish to security and porters.

...And I need 'MONEY'.

What we are initiated is process of 'prosperity consciousness'. First get clarity of the word 'prosper' and what it means to you. Money is but miniscule part of prosperity. Money is mere energy. (Oh so is she going to preach us how to be content from not having wealth and live in bliss of nothingness?? thats not what I went for!!!) She goes on to helping us understand the tendancies of fixated mindset and how to break out of it and feel abundance. lots of excercises to understand our own behaviour. Work on honest earning, Intelligent handling (uhm) and wise spending (uhm uhm uhm).

Oh now comes the best part 'ways to enhance your wealth'. And I get 36 tips to make changes in how I handle, keep and exchange money. I knew other Indian are much better than me, even laariwala always refused to take money given from my left hand. They give blank look, this gray hair Indian lady and dont even know basic practices!!' But this list is just overhaul of how I keep my money. So we learn so many things, placement of moneybox in the home, what colour to line with, what to stck outside, what else should be always be inside it. How to arrange your wallet, what colour, what has to be permanenetly there, and what must not keep in your wallet. What days to pay salary, bills, how to count the bunch.

Then there are rituals... prosperity prayers, affirmations, chakara invokation purely to enhance income, some shlokas. What I learnt from one participant is when you write affirmations if you write with your left hand then it goes in your right brain that works on your subconscious mind. all you continue without break for 21 days affirming and 40 sadhana for preparing to recieve abundance. This tonic last for 3 to 4 years of prosperity!

Why 21 day? because when you repeat something for 21 days you bring changes at neuron level in mind
and when you practice for 42 days you bring about change at cellular level in body.

so from 'doing' you become 'being'.

We do guided meditation for abundance, play games and other fun. I am called what I want for the day and I chose the name 'Kalp-Taru'. My random select affirmation came uncannily as 'Money helps me help others'. What a co-incidence. Most people got affirming lines for the day to match their names.

I am watching this multi faceted ladies who are working on spiritual upliftment and self aware at the same time quietly, confidently and invisibly aquiring wealth or think and be prepared for their abundance!! Its good we have Lakshmi ji to worship as it makes even most material minded people religious if not spiritual!!

Dont tell anyone I went for this course, I am scared my ancestors would be displeased and devastated I was thinking about money, Dont tell my guru z. They have been queing up to put me in meditative sleep and find total detachment from worldly pursuit. But like a active baby in a crib I keep on swinging my palms to world outside. I keep peeking out. They would be horrified that I unlearnt everything about spiritual side of me by earth shattering need to find wealth and abundance using same tools with which I would find ultimate bliss and happiness of reaching higher consciousness. Dont tell Keyur, he will stop transferring my spending money thinking I must any minute start rolling in abundance.

I will happily share all those golden ideas with you for befitting price-tag, ok? Except for one mantra that you can chant loud enough and send vibrations in universe...

"YOU as in Kunjal, Kalp-Taru (wish granting tree), will be showered wealth, prosperity and abundance so much that you will have Kuber to lookafter your accounts and Kamdhenu (wish granting cow) in your courtyard and you will be Lakshmi personified yourself"

Whats in it for you? Generous and charitable gesture from you will bring good Karmic rewards for you and when my seat on gold-coin mountain grows higher and higher you all come and fill up pallus and pockets from overflowing abundance.

Till then watch this space....
from a 'simply' abundant India......

Monday, April 11, 2011


As my promsing travel companion wakes up on sunday I have proposal ready, 'Fancy some french delicacies today?' People have hard time disassociating with french connection and say 'NO' to backery! (like he says in Movie the GodFather, put a offer that they cant refuse!)

So we start for Pondicherry. As kid I saw my father had admiration for Sri Arbindo and I recognised the face of that seer in his old age. (Kaka, why you never told me this Arbindo was cambridge student, poet, writer, painter, advisor in princely state of Baroda, Freedom activist and one who translated works of kavi kalidas? Most importantly had I known he was fit, smart and handsome young man with aura, I would have taken trouble to read the literature you brought at tender age of 10)

That says lot about our Bong-Bondhu. They are different race altogether, Ravindranath, bipin chandra, vivekanand, vidyasagar and many more were multi multi talented. And also it defeats the claim by brain scientist about right and left brian and being able to master either this or that!

So we arrive in 'zis' Asharam campus. Now Arvind had spiritual companion known as Mother. She said I will bring my french architecture (O Be my guest), To match it properly we will name the streets in french RUE too (thats fine by us too). I will bring backing dishes ( we have sweet tooth anyway), I will bring the bicycle for ladies to ride across 'zis' cute ashram township (thats great too, we Indians like them anyway as patrol has been always expensive here). Even canal runs in middle just like Rhine.

So Arvind, lived in ManCHEster (really? me too), he lived in London near sheferds Bush ( Dont believe this, Me too), He lived in Aberdeen ( yes, me stayed there too), 3 brothers studies at manchester grammer school for Boys ( Is that right? I drove passed this school 4 times in a day every day). See, Yesterday I hardly knew Arvind and today I have great affiinity for him. He too got cricling the round-abouts of Britain. Came to India and experimented with spirituality ( me too!! fascinating), I must be his 'follower' in very sense of the word!

This place has a very different charm and grace for sure.

We first end our journey on promenade and sit on those big black shiny cubes of rocks. Once again, without plunging to be able to enjoy the sea is what Indians have taught me. People come single or in groups, all ages and sit without any huf and puf and gaze in the distance. I had to sit and close my eyes for 7 minutes. At that time, the sky changes its look every second and when you open your eyes after closing for few minutes at dusk, everything looks transformed. I feel completely enveloped by ocean with his sound and waves and rumbling waters. Without a splash we feel refreshed.

We visit the samadhi and on sunday evening there is mass meditation in playground, so we go for it. people in masses gather and sit on sandy playground. All the lights are switched off and you see open stary / moon lit sky. Organ plays there is short speech by mother. Todays topic: Stay away from any type of politics, its a waste. ( whats new there? My mother always told me this!!) And then 20 minutes of meditation. They keep empty chair for mother in backdrop of akhand bharat map. School kids also possess something special about them.

For staying there are plenty of guest house ranging from 150-600 ruppees. We chose one facing the sea. East facing open gallary on bay of bangal. I am waiting for sunrise now! rooms have focal point from works of sri arbindo. The garden between the building and the sea is also decorated on theme from his work, to suit meditation poins, some architectual work, or gardening craftmanship or collection of natural beautyful objects. Canteen served basic and tasty food with literature. I absolutely loved my guest house.

Next day, we visit Auroville. My guide/ friend insisted I must visit Matri Mandir in auroville. It needs advance booking to spend few minutes inside but friends who have gone places for meditation say that its the best place. dom covered with gold discs reflects heat and inside in complete marble. only one ray enters from the top passes through massive crystal and enrgizes the entire medtation space. I had to let go of this chance. Incompleteness is good, it makes you want to go back again. I get some red-chanothi ornament from eco-friendly auroville and on way we pick up some really good lemon cake. I collect some patented agarbatti from auroshikha.

At least four hours we travel cross country after leaving the motorway. For 2.5 hours the roadsides are covered with Mango trees. On way back we stopped to tresspass in some of very inviting grooves and collected some. Travelling on road is really a treat to eyes, laari full of jasmin buds, truck after truck continuosly carrying sugarcane, taadee. heaps of grapes, heaps of mangos, coconut. In and around Ashram 3 laari full of lotuses. Neighbouring Vinayak temple they were insisting we get offering from them. one fully bloomed white and one pink with coconut will cost 25 ruppees. I let go of temptation to own this divine flower.

more later...