As I open the full spread whats on guide for the weekend, I am overwhelmed!
Bangalore this weekend surpassed London in the variety of 'whats ON' around the town.
Trully a global performances with Indian platform or twist. Wow I must not miss this chance.
First visit, for Amdavadi born is Alliance Francaise. Entry is free and there are 4 performances.
1. called 'Dont be dotty', played by 2 girls on mundane activities of everyday life based on concept of round/sphere/circle. Both performed dressed half in Bharat natyum accessory with swimming costumes.
2. called 'Couching tigers'. OH I thought it must have something to do with 'save the tigers'. No no its all about 3 junkie boys fighting for remote control. these hunky, portrayed as junky youth performed some really clever acts of street dance/ rythemic wrestling.
3. called 'In the stillness, find me'. It can only be described as visual poetry. with backdrop of only winter tree stumps with merging lines of his body in balck leotard. Dancer from singapore had only word to join this sureal music from TS Eliot and words from bhagavat Geeta to symbolize nothingness.
4. Called 'Ravens'. Performed by shrilankan artists. As they announce names I feel 'Haash! at least 16 dancers will perform feast for my eyes, if I dont like 1 I can look at other. But whats this only 8 on stage? Oh yes, now I know Shrilankans have long names and each name is combination of 2 words, so misleading, naa? Anyaway, 8 for gandfanalie is good enough for me.They dance on life of crow. can you believe 30 minute dancing on percieved bad balckbird? Amazing choreography.
Infact choregraphers were from all over the place, trained in one place, career in other and working on creative project in third/fourth country!! trully, internation performances by floating artists. But these open ended brief and such totally creative is hard for someone who has missed changing art scene of India and I suggest you keep 4 of your people in audience and they start clapping so newcomers like me know that the ACT has ended and we clapp too!!
Second visit, another day..behind the golfcousre. Entire street 1.5 km. covered by mature trees and allowing glorious sunshine to pavement covered with artists from all over. It can be matched if not put above that paris' painter's plazaa for sure. For the first time I saw only Indian absolutely subjects/objects rather than copycat of renesance artform. It had everyday ppl displaying their works staring from folk arts of India to some 3d form to fusion techniques. Once one of my artist friend told me to visit gallaries and observe the styles of valued artists of the day. and look for the same style by upcoming or unknown artists and buy same style. thatway when value of that style goes up, value of art you own goes up too, even though its not massively expensive (3 to 4 lakh costs basuki). But I am only enjoying the atmosphere and seeing wonerful collection. vishwmitra 'handling' menaka' would cost me by ammeture artist 50000 ruppess and 'hanumanji reaching for the moon' costs 20000 in very modern style to suit contemporary decor. Hampi is favourite for artists and in every medium, style and form you find hampi's ruins. My favourite? endless strais of rock planks from hampi. very abstract in water colour. but I give a miss. dont feel like leaving signature on everything I own, dont feel like having ownership of anything. dont even feel like 'oh i can produce this myself, let me go home and do it'. I think the class of nothingness has affected me a bit more for my liking....
Place was covered with middle India, discussing pieces they saw, families appeared to be from authentic Bangalore like Mallweswarum and Jaynagar. so many foreigners and ofocurse groups of youth everywhere.
festival continues for many different art form and many venues across bangalore....including yogic singer Jasraj in coming days and screening of european movies.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Last Laugh

and comes another gathering...
A group activity called exploring inner wisdom! And I am invited to join in. I am certainly going to outnumber Dattatray in finding tutors being pupil for life for study of life.
So this yet another tutor is lady over the hill in age. I am amazed and inspired by this age group. Their kids have flew away from home in top notch universities and husbands are still active in money making and they have all the time in the world. I am sure it is not as easy as it sounds. We all talk about girl child being born again and yet again when she gets married and then when she gives birth. I see another birth when everyone leaves home and you are left with little bit of you left in your hand and little bit used/invested for your loved ones. You have to find your own calling once again. recollect the strength and rediscover what you do with you time to fill the vaccuum. Hats off!! So this tutor is social live-wire, travels here and there across India and in her spare time plays golf!! Routinely she conducts yoga classes for young proffesionals at home and serves as alternative therapist.
So I arrive at her place with my pencil and notepad as second grader in the class of wisdom. wow plush apartment to fit 20 ladies for yoga! I feel I am entering temple, beautifully kept her signature artifects, fragrances and music. This pair of ladies complimeting each other but talking about essentially same thing started combined talk on the mic.
Senior speaker supposedly covering spiritual aspect of well being starts off the talk with explaining molecules...
(Umm teacher ji, Are you sure I am in spiritual awakening class sounds like a science lesson to me??)
So she explains about vibrations first, how everything visible or non-visible vibrates. How vibrations have different effect on our systems. Different type of excercises such as trademill walk, tai chi, marshal art, yoga, rhythmic breathing, aerobic, kick boxing all make differnt vibrations with different effect on our body. Same way vibrations created by different ragas have different impacts such as Bhairvi to hansadhwani to durga.
To produce positive vibrations for different purpose, rishi s have created combination of seedling of sounds called Beej-mantra with certain intonation. So to kick start out health and wellbeing session utters Maha Mrityunjay mahamantra and insists everone gets correct pronounciation. We repeated 11 times visualizing its meaning everytime and feeling the vibrations. After 11 rounds we sat in vaccuum silence charged with this vibratons for 6 minutes. They says this vibration enhances quality of life as opposed to longevity.
Wake everyone Tea break now!!
Maid comes and arranges watery Lemon tea on table in beautiful china! What is this? Gathering in India people spoilt by servants and no samosas??? Back in UK not a single gathering completed without samosas.
Break ke baad.. the main host starts her talk and she explains in 2 lines how laughter yoga has picked up pace all over the world started by Dr. Madan Kataria. She tells us to follow the leader ( herself). First round is clapping rythemic with 'ha ha ho ho ho'. (whats this santa is coming or what?) then it picks up..
First polite laughter, then comes electric laughter and comes political laughter and lion laughter. Once its triggered its hard to stop. everyone keeps on laughing without any sign of coming to halt. session ends with guided relaxation and angel card game.
As I understood laughter gets rid of carbon from the body faster and facelifts your mustle and makes lungs stronger and pulls stomach bag in. I come home to be greeted with the word 'your face is looking rosy today? what have you done?'
Why do we watch sitcoms? go to parties? comedies? and ofcourse u-tubes? for one-minute-long laugh?
What happens after that?
why not induce laughter ourselves and rip the benefit?
So I have no need to have 'last laugh' when I can go laughing all the way to my last moment!!!
.....And laughing continues....
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sahaj: meaning something that happens without effort, unfold on its own. Most Natural. I found one such sahaj friend here. My pup and her cub are same age and same school and although I have come across as horrible mother I felt like showing my face that I have no horns! It was monsoon time and it was raining and pouring outside and also inside me. I must not pretend that life is always bed of roses and I was falling flat on my own choices. I had wishlist when I drifted like a hollow wood to Indian shores and nothing seem to have happened so far that I visualized. And duration of dead line I set was coming closer.
So I walk in my neighbourhood for casual chat, unaware of what I was about to be gifted.
Extremely serene this lady greets me and reassures me that 'All z well and gonna b better'. But in the meantime how to deal with my own self. She invites me in for sittings. When you are sure you are not clever enough to control anything, best to surrender to those who hold faith and show you path. Before I know I was in her solitary room sitting in front of her with my eyes closed.
She uttered 2 words in one hour. First, 'start meditation' and second after one hour 'thats all'.
See when you are emotionally charged its easy to play dance, do bhastrika, go for jog, go on swing, kick boxing and all physical outlets but hardest is to sit still for one hour and coming to terms with what is bugging you. You have to be one with even unplesant thoughts, dissolve them and wait till they disappear and peace resides in you.
Later, she introduces me to Sahaj Marg. They are prefects for Abhyasis (practising this dhyan yoga are known as Abhyasi). So next day I m ready for second sitting. I had problem though. I just could not go past her beauty! She lives in American style Villa and walls are adorned with Ravi Verma's paintings. As they say 'you become what you meditate upon' and she seem to be reflecting the ladies straight out of this paintings. Elegantly radiating glow she is ideal person to be painted by Verma. She sincerely explains many things but I hardly take anything in, time to time I get stuck in her hanging curly locks!
Basically what I learnt is that focus on my heart. and see the light there.
Why heart?
Its seat of life. secondly, it distributes purified blood throughout the body. Thirdly, its seat of love and abode for divine. love alone is most powerful tool to beat blues.
If translated in chakras, Heart centre is meeting point for matter and spirit, as lower 3 chakras are for physical self and upper are for mental then heart is ideally placed to maintain equilibrium between our 2 bodies. When Heart is balanced, it takes care of all other chakras.
So main objective of Sahaj marg is to provide sanctury for pure heart and tame your mind. You have to keep bringing your mind to self by focusing on heart centre.
Let me try then...i am seeing light....light...ummm what were they talking about? those 2 ladies?
Wondering first time:: Replaying talk with 2 trendy ladies about their recent trip to Mallikaarjun-one of the dwadash jyotirling. These 2 D&G diamond studded glasses wearing, gucci bag carrying, ladies telling me how there is trend in India of group of ladies who go for 'designer spirituality'. They range from 35-75 years of age and travel in style. Their recent trip was micro managed in a way that no one had to open their purse even once, In the flight they are given work sheet to enhance their relavent knowledge of the trip. Only one person to plan finance and deal at counters. Whats more they are carrying rare recipes that are appreciated by only female taste buds like goond ki chiki and what not. Half way there are treated with cold coffee and what not? four iinnova filled in vogue ladies playing fun and game and ofcourse meditating on way come back from fulfilling time. Only strict rule was not to gossip or pass negative comment. she ends with the words
'Aur husband kay kapade bhi toh nahi nikalane padate na!! ( from bag ofcourse, when they travel together ) They only have themselves to take care of.
Now these two ladies with wondering minds of their own compare the 4 weddings each they visited in Goa and bangkok.
stop, stop. stop. Mind, mind your busines! come back to me!!
See, How my wondering mind wonders away with them??
Wondering secondtime: ok back to me. O so many regrets!! losing job, losing house, losing babies, losing family, losing possesions, losing face, loss of grace, losing freinds, losing identity, losing health, loss of wealth, loss of passion, loss of compassion. Enough of loss. OK then Iet resentment take over!! resent this... and resent that...
Shhh, Shhh, Shhhh
O mind back to heart please.
Wondering third time: Oh no! my Car is going to use up this month's saving!! so much expense on phone bills!!
Bus, bus, bus.
feel the light. Feel the lightweightness. allow shoulders to drop, hands to fall, neck to lean. Only light.
Thoughts have no power of their own, and depend on the power of attention we give them. Ignore them and they will fall. Our mind is pure and thoughts as they walk past leaves impressions. Our mind accumulates such impressions and we carry the burden and get lost in them.
so 2 excercise in a day mainly
1. focus on heart and train my mind to keep coming back to my heart. it stops fueling impressions.
2. At end of the day perform clearing. Imagine sweeping your inner self with vapour. It clears out daily impressions. good or bad.
Weekly, my prefect gives individual sittings. Whatever they do it makes you feel ligher. they act as catalyst to spiritual growth. Power can be transmitted, thoughts can be transmitted, speech can be transmitted then so can spirituality. These sittings revive our true self.
What they say is have 'Dettached attachement'. This gives strengh in all areas. you dont expect love, you dont loathe hate. you just walk and even when you are on edge and find courage to take that step, mother earth ends up extending for you.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Peripheral Practitioner

How many of us actually question doctor when we go with virus or pain if those antibiotics will work, where it will attack in body and how it will reduce your disease! But generally when we think about alternative practices, holistic healing we are too sceptical whether it will work and even if it does its going to takes years!
My spiritual guide is introducing me to many ways to rust off and dust off clutter from within. I better give little more picture of my guru/guide/spiritual agent before you conjure up her image! She is my mothers age, has boy cut, wears jeans, has kids and grand kids, throws kareoke parties for her lady pupils and designs crash courses to suit my short attention span and absence mindedness.
So one of the technique she taught me was about chakras! Its a hot word in fashion in the west but I never bothered to find out more about it. Main 2 nadee carrying enormous energy supply cris cross seven times in the body and their meeting place creates whirlpool of energy. Even vehicles need to have shock absorbers and what have you, what happens when we become puzzled, startled, scared, excited, exhilirated? These vortexes strores this emotional, psychic and spiritual body of ours. Each chakra has specific role and is home to certain emotions. When there is imbalance of this energy or blockage or short supply, we feel unease and in acute cases even disease.
Meditating upon these chakras like course of antibiotic shows desired result. Some chakra are treated for certain age group like childhood, adolesence, youth related issues, Ambition, self esteem, confidence, ego, anxiety, compassion, discretion and many actual physical illness. There are yogasans to suit each one also.
Ladies, some chakra gives you irrestible glow and magnetic attractiveness (so they claim)! Its nothing spiritual, we can encash it within speedy time frame!
Practice given technique for 7 / 21 or 40 days. These can be complimented by essential oils and colours and hot stone therapy too.
So now my this 'self awareness' group goes places and we visit a place called antar-manas or cosmic centre. In outskirts of Bangalore the place is dveloped on concept of Sapt-rishi. There are meditional halls with murthi of all 7. There are individual little manmade cave style seats for meditation in the garden. There are shantiniketan style huts for 7 chakras. One room for one chakra. There is kundalini meditation room and Room for Egyptian great Ra Meditation room in pyramid style. This place known as Taponagar follows the principles of Shambala (lost city of shyam bala).
7 simple principles to follow. Main objective is to get connected with 7 rishis and bring their energies using meditation. Its true saptarshi wrote and gave upanishads but cut the crap of books from middle and find short cut to them by invoking their energy and qualities in us!
7 is magic number isn't it? 7 colours of rainbow, 7 sur, 7 days in a week, Sapt-padi. The monk who sold ferrari also had 7 keys for life strategy!!
On way, I observe in contranst the relationship of indians with their chappals as opposed to Westerner. In Britain on carpeted floors people can walk with thier shoes they have worn in public toilets too and recline on bed in them too let alone in kitchen. Where as in India getting rid of them is sign of feeling 'at home'. No sooner my affluent lady friend settle in car she brings her pedicured feet out.
Let me make 7 layer barrito and go to my sleeping beauty as 7 dwarfs are eager to wake her up!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Join us in Hampi

Are we not facinated by ancient Egyptian pyramids and Greek Mosiac, and how many times we have heard praises of stone henge and machu pichu? Even since I came here I wanted to visit this place. Most foreigners account says that they found this place more enchanting than pyramids. However, In India people prefer go for functioning shrine than ruins, it could be also because brocken images are deiti are not pujya. And also India is happening place, people's eyes lit up when there is scope of prasaad and blessings. I asked around but not many takers of my offer finally this sunday morning I thought...
'Thats it, no more waiting, planning or wishful thinking!' I call rent-A-car. and declared to my loyal companion, 'We are going on road trip. Get ready in 2 hours'. To my delight the words I hear with a smile 'Mummy, I respect your wish'. looks like sankranthi sets smooth time rolling!!
We are aboard Xylo. First few hours we go past groooves after groves of coconut. So many shapes and colours and sizes with changing species of this wonderful icotonic fruit. There are tempting vendors on the road selling coconut products but we give it miss. Then there is patch of plains and we reach Chitradurg. Chiradurg is surrounded by windmill farms on the hills. It is also developing hotspot as I gather with some IT companies wanting to invest here inspite of scarce water. Anyway, our driver says its very good historic fort and we could take a break.
So we are now climbing the fort with a guide. Its called Chitradurg because this rocky mountains have many rocks resembling animals; rabbit, elephant, frog, turtle. they spent 200 years to slowly build this 7 layer fort. Its done in snakeshape so every entry is faced with wall so canon attacks will only hit the wall and not the actual gates. my guide tell me 3 times Haider ali attcked this fort and 'third time thoda lufda ho gaya'. I asked 'Lufda meaning what? he successfully captured or not?' No he could not capture, one braveheart lady Onamma did some clever move and kingdom remained with Raja. Actual palace is made of clay only to prove 'appearance can be deceptive'. no invader will pay attantion to mud huts. There is mountain climer who climbs walls and rocks with empty hands only. All he has in his pouch is choona powder.
OK, back to road...
at night we reach Hospet, nearest stop to hampi. Stay in 'International Hotel'. It costs me 700 ruppes for the twin room with lounge and big bathroom with ac and room service. on motorway I spend about 150 rupees for 2 meals in Kamat ( motorway chain restaurants). So one night is sorted in just over 1000 ruppess! not bad eh?! Had I reached earlier, could have seen light and sound show at Toongbhadra dam. But never mind...
So we wake up comfortably and reach humpi. I really did not know what to expect. I have little knowledge of Raja krishnadev raya other than the fact that He had very witty advisor in his court called Tenali rama and just like birbal his sories are read in chitrakatha. Coincidentally like Akbar was appreciative of Hindu talents and had many gems in his court, Raja Krishnadev raya also was inclusive of persian talents, he also welcomed chinese and portugese traders. We are talking about 16 century here.
But my sight seeing tour starts with Virupaksha temple of shiva. There is Swaymbhu sivlingum. This is the place where Sri Rama worshiped lord shiva before setting off to Lanka. There is also pinhole camera technique used in those days so see the reverse image of shikhar inside the garbhgrih. Surrounding this shrine is rocky mountains called Matang parvat, rushi parvat and others. All five pravat mentioned in ramayan are standing here. Our guide shows Kishkindha paravat where Anjaneya swami (hanumanji) was born. Infact Humpi is ancient Kishkindha. Both the parvat where vali and sugreev individually lived are also standing tall. Many kilometres of this rocky greenland is dotted with historic sites. Pumpa sarovar and place where shabri offered Lord rama her berries are also here. Place where Rama and RamaDuta Hanumaji exchange chudamani and ring when he sets off to see sita ji in Lanka. Government has now gained 300 acres more for excavation of this rich orcheological site and proposed for 400 acre more.
So Sri Rama did not have such bad and scary place to live when in Arnayavaas!!
'O King Dashratha, Have positive perception na! why say that your might and righteous son was victim of timid manthra's manipulation? just say that he was pampered son of weathy man and after schooling needed bit of expedition for well rounded develeopement.' In 21 century you would be seen as role model for parents and your son as ideal leader for setting trends for trekking, river rafting and what not for youth of our generation who need to stay in jungle without towers away from ipod and internet for grounding!
It is really a garden fit for gods and kings and prince. No scary animals, lots of vegetation of banana and coconut and surrounded by massive pictursque sheela (Sheela??? guys its not THAT rocking sheela you have been singing about!! It is a big Hard Rock (not again! not THAT hard rock, its simply big BOULDER)
Raja Krishnadev raya 's dynasty happened to rule here and there is temple of parvathi called hampamma. so like Britishers nickname chatherine cathy and elizabeth as becky when they cant co op with big names they turned humpaama into humpi as loving address to parvathi, I guess!! I must say that britishers are very appreciative of our heritage and they have tried to restore some crumbling roofs by iron beams. Yes, in those days they use iron beams as answers to many of their needs.
So Raja had miles long bazzar where they traded diamond, silver, spices, silk, flowers, fruits and gold. VIP traders from china, persia and portugal were welcomes in dharmshala inside courtyards. There is music mandap where big columns are surrounded by small ones in certain scientic way. when tapped with wooden sticks they replicate the sound of instruments. Percusion, drom, damaroo, mrudungum etc. There are some very clever specimen of shilpkala. One carving depicted 6 animals in one from different angle and still it did look complete. there are lady soldiers who look after queens and fight as warriers in pictures, there are impressive water management system, no water tank is complate without the tank to mix up water with colours for holi. There are rest area for queen where continuous water sprinklers are in action to keep her cool.
The stone ruins are there but glorious wooden carved palaces are burnt by bahami invedors. I just dont get it. I understand the hunger for power, authority and possesing others belonging but I cant fathom the need for these invedors to destroy such beautiful work of arts. On one hand islamic invedors have promoted garden landscaping and architectural wonders then why did they ruined this heritage?!
so now this empire that covered Oriya to Maharastra entire lower trinangle of Indian mainland is frozen in time. It took us back in different time. coincidentally sikri was ruined around the same time and never came back to life that way.
No trip is complete without its share of rough ride. we got more thrill than bargained for. From Chitradurg the road gives pleasure of sailing in the boat in choppy seas or water rafting. The pot holes are so huge that you feel you are riding on river bed. SUV s would shy away from going there. More than one hour of bumpi-jumpi ride. But to distract post monsoon landscape is so pretty and clear skies. Kya Kahene! See we drive in dense fog and feel we are in english channel, we drive in snow storm,, huurcane and terrential rain. India as to find its share of driving sensation where skies are always suppotive. As for the vehicles, trucks are intimidating especially at night. Some have zero bulb for headlights, some throw beams and some have elaborate dancing festive roshni to keep them and other road users awake. hazard triagles we use for emergency breakdown are permanent feature on some trucks to be doubly sure that if their lights fails, other vehicle will still see them with reflecting triagle. 'National Permit' certificate is painting in so many colourful way and description of break system has 100 ways to spell 'Break'!!
On way back we see farmers seperating crop on the road. I ask my driver why on roadside or on the road? He goes 'madam, aur koi jagah nahi hai na!' 'What are you saying I see only fields after fields' May be they use road like steel plate to avoid grain going back to soil. endlessly this cow-carts and clusters of people seperating husk makes we want to pich mustard, ajmo and fresh jeera in my fist and bring home. Now I am never going to forget that Samkranthi is festival associated with harvest.
and journey will continue...
Friday, January 14, 2011
Uttarayan from Dakshinayan

Its been long since I put pen to paper/finger to keyboard. I saw lot of activity on the net with dry celebration of Uttarayan in words only! But mere words also has power to bring radiance and happiness and positive state of mind to life. Through my 'Dakshinayan' stay I found a mentor/s who helped me grow.
So what was my Uttarayan like?
I have been fortunate to join group of ladies who meet to bring self awareness through inner wisdom through ancient scientific wisdom. One of the activity we do is join in for guided meditation to celebrate special days. Uttarayan is all about Sun, so we had short session of reciting 2 verses admiring the power of Sun God.
so what was the quick thoughts reemphasized?
That Sun is Karma yogi. He tirelessly and without break does the job of providing the univerese with energy, fire and light.
That Sun is ultimate believer in equal opportunity for all, he shines upon good as well as bad, clever or dumb, rich or poor.
That we are made of five elements and so is nature. when our elements are in sync with natures there is no room for ailments. Sun is one of the element, Fire. I pray that he burns my negativity, weaknesses, fears with his fire. He grants me fire to motivate me for lots of good actions, he grants me energy for my very existence.
That Sun is ultimate teacher. Without mere functional tubelight we cant even reach to googlemata for our curious thirst for knowledge. Sun's light brings spiritual light to life itself that is again gift of nature.
We worship Hanuman ji for expert of five types grammer and master of knowledge, mannerism and public speaking. His Guru (the one who removes darkness of ignorance with light) is Sun. And Sun said ' its going to be difficult teaching you as I keep on moving' to that commited Hanumanji rotated facing sun five times. Thats just a gist but more I have to find out the exchanges between the two giants.
There are quick ways to recharge our tired batteries. One posture is just standing and spreading the hands like wings and palms facing up with head tilted little upward as if soaking in sun for 3 minutes. And ofcourse if we are overflowing with energy then surya namaskar, sun salute marathon.
For guided meditation we created our own little space. just like so many of my NRG friends were on terrace of their memory to fly kites. In this space we focused on gloden sun and soaked in the glow till I my own shape and image dissolved in golden glow. Specially in cold countries when we suffer from winter blues guided meditation will work wonders, I guess. When we pick up travel catelogue that is also guided meditation only we fail to soak in each page and creat little more recreation in mind. Mind is magnet so I am going to keep it as beautiful as I can.
Yes, indeed I missed my home state of vibrant Gujarat.There are many ways to achieve the same result and fun and playfulness is easiest and most powerful. We gujaratis surely know how to have fun in festivity. For navaratri we play garba, for sankranti we play kite, for holi we play colours, for diwali some play cards (not me). Play Play and more play. In my joureny of dakshinayan I found in south its Puja, puja and more puja.
As for the kites, for my young buddies, I say fly as high as possible and feel freedom and lightness but stay grounded. After a fleight come back to ground. without that very imporatant string, you will be lost floating in wilderness.
I must send some snaps of Bangalore streets, its covered with sweet sugarcanes with its greens on the top. Let me enjoy organic living while it lasts!
Now back to my guided meditation... this time I am not saying the word undhioo, but having this vivid image of sugarcane farm and clay pot backed undhiya complete with purple kund, raw bananna and methi dumpling garnish with fresh green garlic leaves from orchard, sev and freshly squeeze lemon and peanut corriander chutni...mmwwa, finger licking uudhiyoo na dekha, na suna kabhi pahele!!!!
Wishing you all refreshing vegetables and spring sunshine from Bnagalore.
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