Its been long since I put pen to paper/finger to keyboard. I saw lot of activity on the net with dry celebration of Uttarayan in words only! But mere words also has power to bring radiance and happiness and positive state of mind to life. Through my 'Dakshinayan' stay I found a mentor/s who helped me grow.
So what was my Uttarayan like?
I have been fortunate to join group of ladies who meet to bring self awareness through inner wisdom through ancient scientific wisdom. One of the activity we do is join in for guided meditation to celebrate special days. Uttarayan is all about Sun, so we had short session of reciting 2 verses admiring the power of Sun God.
so what was the quick thoughts reemphasized?
That Sun is Karma yogi. He tirelessly and without break does the job of providing the univerese with energy, fire and light.
That Sun is ultimate believer in equal opportunity for all, he shines upon good as well as bad, clever or dumb, rich or poor.
That we are made of five elements and so is nature. when our elements are in sync with natures there is no room for ailments. Sun is one of the element, Fire. I pray that he burns my negativity, weaknesses, fears with his fire. He grants me fire to motivate me for lots of good actions, he grants me energy for my very existence.
That Sun is ultimate teacher. Without mere functional tubelight we cant even reach to googlemata for our curious thirst for knowledge. Sun's light brings spiritual light to life itself that is again gift of nature.
We worship Hanuman ji for expert of five types grammer and master of knowledge, mannerism and public speaking. His Guru (the one who removes darkness of ignorance with light) is Sun. And Sun said ' its going to be difficult teaching you as I keep on moving' to that commited Hanumanji rotated facing sun five times. Thats just a gist but more I have to find out the exchanges between the two giants.
There are quick ways to recharge our tired batteries. One posture is just standing and spreading the hands like wings and palms facing up with head tilted little upward as if soaking in sun for 3 minutes. And ofcourse if we are overflowing with energy then surya namaskar, sun salute marathon.
For guided meditation we created our own little space. just like so many of my NRG friends were on terrace of their memory to fly kites. In this space we focused on gloden sun and soaked in the glow till I my own shape and image dissolved in golden glow. Specially in cold countries when we suffer from winter blues guided meditation will work wonders, I guess. When we pick up travel catelogue that is also guided meditation only we fail to soak in each page and creat little more recreation in mind. Mind is magnet so I am going to keep it as beautiful as I can.
Yes, indeed I missed my home state of vibrant Gujarat.There are many ways to achieve the same result and fun and playfulness is easiest and most powerful. We gujaratis surely know how to have fun in festivity. For navaratri we play garba, for sankranti we play kite, for holi we play colours, for diwali some play cards (not me). Play Play and more play. In my joureny of dakshinayan I found in south its Puja, puja and more puja.
As for the kites, for my young buddies, I say fly as high as possible and feel freedom and lightness but stay grounded. After a fleight come back to ground. without that very imporatant string, you will be lost floating in wilderness.
I must send some snaps of Bangalore streets, its covered with sweet sugarcanes with its greens on the top. Let me enjoy organic living while it lasts!
Now back to my guided meditation... this time I am not saying the word undhioo, but having this vivid image of sugarcane farm and clay pot backed undhiya complete with purple kund, raw bananna and methi dumpling garnish with fresh green garlic leaves from orchard, sev and freshly squeeze lemon and peanut corriander chutni...mmwwa, finger licking uudhiyoo na dekha, na suna kabhi pahele!!!!
Wishing you all refreshing vegetables and spring sunshine from Bnagalore.
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