Sahaj: meaning something that happens without effort, unfold on its own. Most Natural. I found one such sahaj friend here. My pup and her cub are same age and same school and although I have come across as horrible mother I felt like showing my face that I have no horns! It was monsoon time and it was raining and pouring outside and also inside me. I must not pretend that life is always bed of roses and I was falling flat on my own choices. I had wishlist when I drifted like a hollow wood to Indian shores and nothing seem to have happened so far that I visualized. And duration of dead line I set was coming closer.
So I walk in my neighbourhood for casual chat, unaware of what I was about to be gifted.
Extremely serene this lady greets me and reassures me that 'All z well and gonna b better'. But in the meantime how to deal with my own self. She invites me in for sittings. When you are sure you are not clever enough to control anything, best to surrender to those who hold faith and show you path. Before I know I was in her solitary room sitting in front of her with my eyes closed.
She uttered 2 words in one hour. First, 'start meditation' and second after one hour 'thats all'.
See when you are emotionally charged its easy to play dance, do bhastrika, go for jog, go on swing, kick boxing and all physical outlets but hardest is to sit still for one hour and coming to terms with what is bugging you. You have to be one with even unplesant thoughts, dissolve them and wait till they disappear and peace resides in you.
Later, she introduces me to Sahaj Marg. They are prefects for Abhyasis (practising this dhyan yoga are known as Abhyasi). So next day I m ready for second sitting. I had problem though. I just could not go past her beauty! She lives in American style Villa and walls are adorned with Ravi Verma's paintings. As they say 'you become what you meditate upon' and she seem to be reflecting the ladies straight out of this paintings. Elegantly radiating glow she is ideal person to be painted by Verma. She sincerely explains many things but I hardly take anything in, time to time I get stuck in her hanging curly locks!
Basically what I learnt is that focus on my heart. and see the light there.
Why heart?
Its seat of life. secondly, it distributes purified blood throughout the body. Thirdly, its seat of love and abode for divine. love alone is most powerful tool to beat blues.
If translated in chakras, Heart centre is meeting point for matter and spirit, as lower 3 chakras are for physical self and upper are for mental then heart is ideally placed to maintain equilibrium between our 2 bodies. When Heart is balanced, it takes care of all other chakras.
So main objective of Sahaj marg is to provide sanctury for pure heart and tame your mind. You have to keep bringing your mind to self by focusing on heart centre.
Let me try then...i am seeing light....light...ummm what were they talking about? those 2 ladies?
Wondering first time:: Replaying talk with 2 trendy ladies about their recent trip to Mallikaarjun-one of the dwadash jyotirling. These 2 D&G diamond studded glasses wearing, gucci bag carrying, ladies telling me how there is trend in India of group of ladies who go for 'designer spirituality'. They range from 35-75 years of age and travel in style. Their recent trip was micro managed in a way that no one had to open their purse even once, In the flight they are given work sheet to enhance their relavent knowledge of the trip. Only one person to plan finance and deal at counters. Whats more they are carrying rare recipes that are appreciated by only female taste buds like goond ki chiki and what not. Half way there are treated with cold coffee and what not? four iinnova filled in vogue ladies playing fun and game and ofcourse meditating on way come back from fulfilling time. Only strict rule was not to gossip or pass negative comment. she ends with the words
'Aur husband kay kapade bhi toh nahi nikalane padate na!! ( from bag ofcourse, when they travel together ) They only have themselves to take care of.
Now these two ladies with wondering minds of their own compare the 4 weddings each they visited in Goa and bangkok.
stop, stop. stop. Mind, mind your busines! come back to me!!
See, How my wondering mind wonders away with them??
Wondering secondtime: ok back to me. O so many regrets!! losing job, losing house, losing babies, losing family, losing possesions, losing face, loss of grace, losing freinds, losing identity, losing health, loss of wealth, loss of passion, loss of compassion. Enough of loss. OK then Iet resentment take over!! resent this... and resent that...
Shhh, Shhh, Shhhh
O mind back to heart please.
Wondering third time: Oh no! my Car is going to use up this month's saving!! so much expense on phone bills!!
Bus, bus, bus.
feel the light. Feel the lightweightness. allow shoulders to drop, hands to fall, neck to lean. Only light.
Thoughts have no power of their own, and depend on the power of attention we give them. Ignore them and they will fall. Our mind is pure and thoughts as they walk past leaves impressions. Our mind accumulates such impressions and we carry the burden and get lost in them.
so 2 excercise in a day mainly
1. focus on heart and train my mind to keep coming back to my heart. it stops fueling impressions.
2. At end of the day perform clearing. Imagine sweeping your inner self with vapour. It clears out daily impressions. good or bad.
Weekly, my prefect gives individual sittings. Whatever they do it makes you feel ligher. they act as catalyst to spiritual growth. Power can be transmitted, thoughts can be transmitted, speech can be transmitted then so can spirituality. These sittings revive our true self.
What they say is have 'Dettached attachement'. This gives strengh in all areas. you dont expect love, you dont loathe hate. you just walk and even when you are on edge and find courage to take that step, mother earth ends up extending for you.
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