Everything I came across as I pass through various situation has just come to me. I have pretty much moved like a river- rolling-stone. Nothing I have learnt was planned or I set out to seek. What I have allowed though is ruthless honesty about how I felt on particular day, situation or inevitable moments without any pretense. I was never afraid of showing vulnerability in front of my maid and got spontaneous hugs, I allowed tears to roll out silently when beauticians came and they offered me more than superficial facials. People are there with lots of ideas and remedies to sort you out without knowing whats bothering you and they believe with conviction in their methods and reassure you with full faith that if tried it will bring results.
Last year, same time I expressed to my yoga instructor that doing just physical yogaasnaa is not helping me. I feel emptiness in me and the black cloud hovering over me. It has no face or feet. I cant hold this cloud by the feet and smash it on floor. I cant define it as I cant recognize its face. But it keeps slapping me left, right and centre. Everything I dream gets shattered, everything I desired gets snatched, Everything I love bounces as hostility. I cant cook, if I summon strength to cook I cant eat! Staying in does not comfort me, going out does not bring relief. What to do? what to do? I feel helpless, weak in me for myself and my loved ones.
This young chap, a fresher from residential yoga school makes me sit and shares words of wisdom. He tells me to try excercising simple Havan at home.
Havan??? I dont know how to do it? I have never done it. I am not sure how much to believe if it works?
I must admit, I am not a daily-puja and bhajan type person, though accept the supreme power that is beyond me guides me. I do feel spiritual most times though. He tells me the essence of doing Homa. It purifies the atmosphere by releasing photons brings positvity in the air. Even if we feel troubled or confused, it keeps that pleasant aura in your living space. He says just keep small copper koond and do it the way it comes to you. 11 times, 51 times, 108 times and chant anything mantra/ thought or prayer that suits you.
Oh now this reminds me, my mother's great grandfather used to keep firey coal next to his dinner plate and drop few grains before starting meals. Its a gesture of gratitude to nature and provider, isn't it? I guess when living was not so structured, Rishis must be throwing 10% of what they have available for consumption back in soil so it brings new sustainable cycle of growth for grains, fruits and vegetables for us to consume again in next season!! The idea is to give back positivity in universe and it keeps changing its form and comes back to you again to nourish you.
Well, life is a laboratory and let me try the atomic changes by this DIY yugna. I got my havan kit with small copper bowl from local market, now a days lot of varieties available including painted ceramic electric ones. I do it for 2 months every dusk time and left it, I leave that place and instructor who introduced this to me. Even in my new place I have not performed any house warming puja yet. Though once again I come across chance to start where I left my Havan experience. This time with group of intellectually sound ladies.
They have joined in this no-frills, no-priest of doing environmentally friendly havan. Every month they gather, and ladies only perform havan on Gayatri and sit in its vibrations for 7 minutes. When so many chant together your own voice disappears gets merged with other reverberating sounds. you feel oneness in mass. The activity is defined as Dhimahi. The broader meaning is 'empower me to behold your gift', 'make me deserving'. One explanation is that by doing havan, all the energy gets coverted in vapour/ air particles and gets consumed back again in our system by breaths. And operator of our life and organs who is sitting inside gets his share. That is also broadly speaking giving back to universe. We and the universe are made of five elements only and fire is one of the most powerful of all. By this gesture you invoke supreme fire power of Sun. Its giver of light, creator of universe, enlightenment, direction, remover of darkness, sorrow and pain and bestower of happiness. When you chant mantra you internalize its effect but when you do havan it affects the atmosphere in part and when its multiplied by number of people doing together it send out vibrations far and wide for fallow living beings get benefit from.
This reminds me of the all the books written on mind power. Abraham Hicks and many others have written about power of positive thoughts. Reiki tells about power of positive thoughts and what you throw in universe comes back to you, Scientific prayers talk about wording your prayer lines with only positives. Secret and the power two best seller talk only about positive thoughts, Robin sharma talks about positive thoughts. NLP talk about positive affirmations. If you send out fears in universe, you will get scary encounters. regardless of what happens keep sending positivity out in openness.
This is on same concept of havan, isn't it? Havan of thoughts, Havan of words and gestures in your surrounding attracts positivity to you. Tuning in to frequency that brings beauty, joy and love. One lady made beautiful booklet on their patented style of Dhimahi. And it was inaugerated in style by others in the group.
Immediate effect? well I went back to my last blog and took out negative observations and lines. Humans are just humans without bondage of talents, religions and achievements when they help you in difficult times.
This Dhimahi group has rota. Every month they create this vibrations in different homes and will come to us for celebration of special day. My turn has yet to come. Life is beautiful already but I am being greedy! want something even more beautiful to knock at my door before I host!! Selfish girl!, eh?
Experimenting with myself continues...
rediscovering myself continues..
Understanding my own ancestors continues..
Learning continues as long there is life...
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