Remembering times when my mother used to rub hot hing paste on my stomach to get rid of access gas rumbling in my tummy as a kid, or applying fatacadi on mouth ulsers, or jethimadh for my voice (that one herb was defeated in my case!!), or rubbing grated onion to reduce sunstroke.
Nature has everything we need to keep the whole system in balance considering we are merely one bundle of energy like other living beings. If not cure, we can find everything for prevention of dis-ease from nature itself and minor changes in life style.
Mighty oak grows from tiny acorn. Seeds are full of energy. Each seed has its own specific kind of energy. When seeds are embedded in soil, its energy comes out in form of sprout. When seeds are attached to body it transfers its energy into body. To prove the point further, if you try to plant the same seed after sujok treatment, it will never sprout. Going even further, its accepted by ayurveda that each seed comes with its property, but sujok says even shapes of these seeds used for treatment are similar to organ in the body its suited to treat. Also in addition to transfering energy these seeds double as accupressure on reflected organs.
This was researched for 30 years from 53-83 by a korean doctor and his paper he finally published in medical body to be accepted as an alternative therapy. He is alive and heals people.
Its very easy to find ouch point in own palm for condition suffered. Simple techniques to either clockwise probing on 'ouch' point on palm to increase or anti-clock to decrease the access supply. break those clots in the palm and tie seed and press intermittently for 2 hours or so. generally un-easiness goes within 3 to 5 minutes. For cough, cold, runny nose use of black pepper is very effective, Digestion related treatments, to ease the spine-methi, treat lever with grape seeds, low/high bp with 7 energy points and many more complains like period pain, migraine, headache. for skin disorders clearing the kidney etc.
for stress, anxiety, also its used.
Not joking!!
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